Trialing a new thing (because why not?)I enjoy a prompt or an invitation or a question to respond to; not because I think I particularly have answers (I don’t believe answers…Feb 27Feb 27
What if…you always have choice (but no control)?I’m keeping this concise as it is at the forefront of my mind as well as being in keeping with what this piece is about. I’d love to hear…Jul 24, 2024Jul 24, 2024
Walking among giantsI am a tall person by societal average. That has meant I have developed a relationship with my body in space, shaped by most of the…Jul 11, 20223Jul 11, 20223
Important, words areI want to share some words about…words…and how they can be utilised as a low-stakes access point for being intentional, loving and present…Jan 21, 2022Jan 21, 2022
Online Streamlining: lowering the stakesThere are myriad avenues for storing your various things online (or on devices in general)…Dec 17, 2021Dec 17, 2021
What’s in a name, anyway?I’m pretty new to the scene when it comes to having a website and the facility for people to sign up for things. I’m certainly new to the…Nov 25, 2021Nov 25, 2021